Keeping Your Car Pristine

Keeping Your Car Pristine

Removing An Old Ceramic Coating Application

by Alban Lopez

Auto ceramic coating is a go-to option because of its extended lifespan, but it's important to remember that the application is not intended to last forever. After a while, the coating can start to dull and wear, which generally signals the need for a new application. To protect your car and maximize the benefit of the new coat, the old coat should be removed. 


Polish is a safer option for removing an aged or worn ceramic coating application that uses a specialized polish to strip the surface. To avoid scratching the vehicle, special care must be taken with the type of cloth used and the polish should be applied in a circular motion. People often run into trouble with this application when it comes to removing the polish. The greasy-nature of the polish will create a barrier between the vehicle and the adhesion of the ceramic coating, so complete removal is necessary.


One of the faster options for removing a ceramic coating application is to use a chemical removal solution. Ceramic coatings are designed to be heavily durable, so the chemical solutions that are strong enough to remove a ceramic coating are often strong enough to damage the vehicle's exterior. Using too much of the chemical can dull the paint and strip the vehicle's protective coating, which can lead to color fading and put the vehicle at greater risk of developing rust. Careful selection, testing, and application are essential. 


In some instances, a polish or chemical application alone is not enough to efficiently remove the ceramic coating from the vehicle. Given the delicate nature of a vehicle's paint, it's not advised that either of these applications is reapplied. Instead, clay is a follow-up removal option that can be used in these instances. The clay used has adhesive qualities that allow it to adhere to the ceramic coating so that when the clay is removed, the coating will also come off.

Professional Protection

All of the above-mentioned options for removing an existing ceramic coating are complex, and if not performed correctly, can cause a great deal of damage to the vehicle. It's advised that you allow the same professional who will install the new ceramic coat to remove the old coat as well. Not only will this step ensure the coating is removed carefully, but it will also ensure that the entire coat is removed. Leaving even a small layer of the old application on the vehicle can affect the new coat.

To better protect your vehicle, remember to remove the old coat first, and to allow a professional to handle the task for you. 


About Me

Keeping Your Car Pristine

About three months ago, my boss asked me if I would be willing to drive for a company luncheon. I didn't think much of it, so I pulled my car around and everyone loaded in. Unfortunately, after people started to file in, I realized that my car wasn't the immaculate rental car they were used to. The back was filled with wrappers and the front had more than one fast food beverage. After that experience, I decided to get my car detailed so that it would be clean and tidy for people down the road. It has changed my outlook on carpooling.