Keeping Your Car Pristine

Keeping Your Car Pristine

Myths About Ceramic Coating Your Car

by Alban Lopez

Ceramic coatings have become increasingly popular for vehicle owners as a long-lasting protection option. However, several misconceptions surrounding this innovative technology could discourage potential users or lead to improper application and maintenance.

Myth: Ceramic Coating Is Just Paint

Ceramic coatings are not the same as car paint. Rather, they are a liquid polymer that bonds with the vehicle's paint on a molecular level. This bond creates an incredibly durable layer of protection against various environmental elements such as UV rays, chemical stains, and water damage. On the other hand, car paint is primarily designed to give vehicles their color and aesthetic appeal.

A ceramic coating offers numerous advantages over traditional car paint alone. It protects from scratches, oxidation, bird droppings, and other damage that can diminish your vehicle's appearance over time. The coating's hydrophobic properties make it easier to clean your car by repelling water and dirt particles.

Myth: Anybody Can Apply A Ceramic Coating

Although while do-it-yourself ceramic coating kits exist, car owners are strongly advised to have a professional apply this protective layer to your car. Professional detailers have the necessary experience in preparing the surface correctly by removing any contaminants or imperfections before applying the ceramic coat evenly across all areas.

Myth: You Do Not Need To Wash Your Car As Often With A Ceramic Coating

Although ceramic coatings make it easier to clean your car and provide protection against dirt and grime, regular washing is still essential to maintain the coating's optimal performance. Depending on your driving, it is recommended that you clean your car frequently if exposed to harsh elements.

Regular washing helps remove any contaminants that may have settled on the surface of the ceramic coat and prevent them from causing damage over time. Additionally, keeping your vehicle clean will ensure that the hydrophobic properties of the ceramic coating continue to function effectively, allowing water and dirt particles to slide off easily.

Myth: Ceramic Coatings Will Fill In Scratches And Imperfections

Ceramic coatings are not a filler or a repair solution for existing scratches or imperfections in your vehicle's paintwork. Instead, they act as a protective layer over an already well-maintained surface. Before applying a ceramic coat, a professional detailer must address any scratches or imperfections through paint correction processes such as polishing or wet sanding.

While ceramic coatings cannot fill in scratches themselves, their high-gloss finish can help minimize the appearance of minor imperfections by reflecting light more evenly across the surface of your vehicle's paintwork. This reflective quality gives cars with ceramic coatings that sought-after showroom shine while also providing long-lasting protection.

For more information on auto ceramic coating, contact a professional near you.


About Me

Keeping Your Car Pristine

About three months ago, my boss asked me if I would be willing to drive for a company luncheon. I didn't think much of it, so I pulled my car around and everyone loaded in. Unfortunately, after people started to file in, I realized that my car wasn't the immaculate rental car they were used to. The back was filled with wrappers and the front had more than one fast food beverage. After that experience, I decided to get my car detailed so that it would be clean and tidy for people down the road. It has changed my outlook on carpooling.