Keeping Your Car Pristine

Keeping Your Car Pristine

  • Go Beyond Clean: 4 Reasons To Switch To Waterless Wash And Wax Spray For Your Car

    If you've been washing your car using the same ordinary water-filled technique, it's time to make a change. You might not know this, but you can ditch the water and still get your car looking shiny and clean. Waterless wash and wax spray can be applied anywhere, which means you can get your car cleaned while you're at work. In addition to that benefit, here are four additional benefits you'll enjoy once you switch to waterless wash and wax spray for your car.

About Me

Keeping Your Car Pristine

About three months ago, my boss asked me if I would be willing to drive for a company luncheon. I didn't think much of it, so I pulled my car around and everyone loaded in. Unfortunately, after people started to file in, I realized that my car wasn't the immaculate rental car they were used to. The back was filled with wrappers and the front had more than one fast food beverage. After that experience, I decided to get my car detailed so that it would be clean and tidy for people down the road. It has changed my outlook on carpooling.